JST is pleased to announce a new accomplishment, having been certifed by the National Creditors Bar Association (NCBA) Subcontractor Oversight Program after rigorous testing and review.
This recognition should provide our customers with the confidence that JST has been thourghly audited by a third-party and meets the industry’s highest standards. The audit included a complete review of our Contracts, Human Resources, Information Security, Customer Contact, Physical and Environment Security, Incident Reporting, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and Insurance.
What is the NCBA Subcontractors Oversight Program?
The Subcontractor Oversight Program created by the National Creditors Bar Association is for the assessment of third-party vendors for law firms including process servers, asset locators, letter vendors, software vendors, skip tracers, data vendors, and more.
Third Party Assessments seek to protect consumers, creditors, and law firms through enforcement of best practices. This helps create apple to apple comparisons of systems and best practices across all service providers.
Click here for more information on the NCBA Subcontractor Oversight Program.