JST has been hard at work making changes to CollectMax to help you with the new Regulation F requirements. A new ‘Reg F button has been added to the stack of buttons on the left side of the screen to address fields needed for the Validation Notice. This new screen will also include a field to track the Dispute by Date and Opt In/Out as it applies to email and texting the consumer.
Changes to assist you in managing the new requirements will be coming in November and will be available in the form of a program update to all customers currently using CollectMax version 10.
If you are currently using CollectMax v10, a program update will be sent via email automatically in November once all the features have been programmed and tested.
Enhanced features have also been added to assist with advanced compliance requirements such as call and contact management that will be included as an add-on module, MaxSecurityPlus.
MaxSecurityPlus will address time zone masking, phone number masking by state, inconvenient call time settings, call activity code changes to support monitoring calls and contacts in accordance with t he Reg F guidelines, and more.
EDI / Interface Users – Plan Ahead for Reg F Interface Changes
We have heard from a number of major banks with Reg F changes to their interfaces and we are working on the modifications to have them ready by the November 30th deadline.
We recommend that you check in with your clients to see if they anticipate any interface changes and let us know as soon as possible so we can schedule any programming accordingly.
Interested in MaxSecurityPlus? Have questions?
Please contact JST Sales for more details.